Metal Wall Sculpture - French Bouquet


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Experience the allure of true artistry with this one-of-a-kind masterpiece. The shiny, metallic, golden hues of gold, brass, and copper, along with subtle plays of shadow and light, can only be crafted by a Master of Arts. This metal wall art enlivens empty rooms with unique reflections, captured perfectly by this three-dimensional sculpture. Every part of the design is handled separately and discreetly. It is a time-consuming procedure, but at the same time, it gives the artist the opportunity to provide necessary attention to each individual piece of art while creating it. This is why no design can be exactly the same as another. Each art piece possesses its own unique life and soul.

This metal art sculpture "French Bouquet" is proudly displayed in the National Breast Cancer Foundation headquarters' lobby. "The intricacy and fine workmanship of this sculpture from Wall Sculptures by Gurtan explores with color and beauty, a perfect expression of our passion to serve," says Janelle Hail, founder and CEO of the National Breast Cancer Foundation, as shown in image two. It serves as a symbol of life and hope for the women they serve.

The French Bouquet is handcrafted from brass, copper, and steel. With its delicate curves and floral design, this wall sculpture will make a beautiful addition to any wall in your home or office. Each piece is hand-crafted, making it a one-of-a-kind work of art. Add color, fun and a touch of whimsy to your home with our unique range of French Bouquet metal wall art sculptures. Featuring artistic and realistic representations of brightly colored flowers and plants in a mix of colors.

Metal wall art make great gifts for weddings, anniversaries, Mother's Day, Father's Day and birthdays. 

This piece is made to order. Please allow for a two to three week delivery time.

Handmade in America

Overall Dimensions: 45" Width x 39" Height x 6" Depth

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